How to increase voter participation along with security in the voting process for associations?

Coming directly to the point, first addressing not ‘How’ but ‘Why’ factors of the situation. It is quite understated that every ‘How’ arises from ‘Why’ deliberations. Why is there a need to increase participation in elections? Why is security a constant synonym with the election of any sort?  

Cut to circa 2016 Presidential Election, the report by United States Elections Project showed how nearly 92 million eligible Americans didn’t cast vote. Hitting the nail in the head, the fact that every vote counts never felt this real as the repercussion of the same was well seen on roads of the States when many protested the elected person. Things would have been different if those millions would have voted and security wasn’t the concern. It doesn’t stop here, in the 2014 midterm elections, approximately 143 million Americans didn’t vote and this was the lowest reported participation in 72 years. Many might have ignored them because they were not physically present or some might be being ignorant because, “it’s all planned, votes tampering is very normal”. Just like this, a quarter of the pollution of US lives in a community association, wherein there are Homeowners Associations (HOA) among others serving their communities. These are democratically elected homeowners who serve in the goodwill of the community. Here, it is a crucial factor that affects the entire community, it has the power to impose new rules and regulations, new developments on amenities and facilities are directly linked to the elected man. Making sure that the majority of people come to vote and that they have a feeling of trust in the system is crucial to maintain in these given scenarios of elections and uncertainties with results.  

Reaching quorum has become safer, easier, and faster now with ‘Voting Portals’. Designed for your safe, secure, and quick experience with legal compliances, they promise a safe and secure experience with participation ease to record the maximum number of voters in association elections. How do they do it?  

By making the process accessible to all:  

From updating voters about happenings to making sure they have ease in participation, they have revolutionized the experience for all with online voting. Making sure that everyone votes, ‘Voting Portals’ make members enroll online with few identification checks, negating completely the idea of being physically present. Every homeowner who is a member of the association is eligible to cast vote. But, do they do? One reason could be unavailability. Now, with ‘Voting Portals’ if you have your account, wherever you are in the world, you can cast your vote and bring the change with just a click on your phone screens.  

People are more informed about happenings: 

The role of the voter is not just limited to coming, casting votes, and waiting for results in anticipation. The process with ‘Voting Portals’ allows users to remain updated with the system. From 3-layer security checks to be sure that your vote will not tamper with Portal’s strong use of Blockchain Technology and finally getting results faster and more accurate, leaving them no space to think that there could be manipulations.  

Affordable solution that promises secures results:  

The switch from the on-site or traditional way of voting to Online just didn’t happen overnight. Organizing a mass ballot is not easy and safe, but organizing a strong online system is affordable yet safe and secure for users and organizers, keeping the trust and interest of every voter intact. From having a dedicated URL, the private label login page to posting regular newsletters and communications to members, sending verified emails, and showing voting and survey results any time, ‘Voting Portals’ has made the process smooth and engaging for every homeowner.  

Value of every vote is upheld:  

With the highest level of security available which includes 3-layer password authentication, bank-grade data encryption, stringent cybersecurity, firm blockchain technology, Microsoft Cloud protection, verified email log system and IP address tracking, and more, ‘Voting Portals’ doesn’t leave a single doubt in their user’s mind about security and value of their vote that stop them from investing thought for the same. Not making voting a tiresome or extra job for you that is not cost-effective and demands you to adjust on your schedule, online voting with ‘Voting Portals’ has made the process so seamless and easily accessible to all with tough security, making the experience just like everything else on your fingertips, on your phone screens. Thus, making more people participate with no security breach concerns. 


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