How to eliminate electoral Fraud and make the voting process a breeze for members?

The right to vote is not just a right but a power that people hold. Their one action can shape the face of happenings around them. Democracy comes with giving supremacy to voters above all in choosing their representatives that will shape new policies, will be their representative, and will work in the welfare of their community.  

But, on the other side, the persistence of electoral frauds leading to biased decisions, unreliable selections, etc has immensely affected the face of voting, causing a lack of trust for the system by people, leading to less participation and someone non-deserving coming to the elected power. These electoral frauds could be conscious and unconscious. For example, when results are improperly reported with serious observation; there could be vote count fraud due to human error, preferences, and more such cases, wherein there are inaccuracies in the recording and counting of votes or maliciously tampering with necessary evidence that is required in the audit and mishandled verification of the correct reporting of results. And to end it, we have security vulnerabilities that can be tampered with easily.  

Hence, eliminating such concerns and making a system that makes voting an experience that is secure, accessible to all, reliable, and verifiable at every stage. Making sure that every voter feels wanted and respected, that they know the system they are investing in reliable and secure and no tampering of any sort will be done and security and privacy are upheld at all costs are crucial. With the advent of Blockchain Technology, 3 layer security, and stringent cyber control to making voting experience for all, available at lengths and breaths of the world making it accessible to all with an Online Voting System that doesn’t compromise your vote if you are not physically available to cast one, rather give you an equal opportunity to bring forth the change to your community even if you are miles apart from your place, by making all experiences available to your fingertips on your phone.  

How can you achieve it? How to make sure that voting no longer promises uncertainties, but a breeze experience for all voters?  

‘Voting Portals’, with the best of software and technology, is designed by one of the top Real Estate Attorneys in the United States, guaranteeing strong and safe legal compliance, further revolutionizing the face of the voting system for Homeowner Associations, Traders, Unions, Government, and Education sector. A secured hub that allows full control of the system, maintaining integrity and reliability of a secure system intact allows all managers and boards full control of the system so that every unexpected behavior can be tracked. Perks of this system are it is cost-effective, reduces the chance of human errors as it is run by strong software with the support of Blockchain and a 3-layer security system.  

Privacy is supreme: 

There are a plethora of ways by which one can disrupt the system. From tracking your personal information to breaching the server, this web is wide. Also, many external influences might just affect one’s choice, and this compromises anonymity that leads to voters selecting what they don’t prefer because they are forced to it because of hegemonic control or pressure. If we promise our voters a secured and reliable experience, wherein their privacy is upheld at any costs with strong technical support and transparency at all levels for them, then it will not just enhance their experience but will increase voter participation from all lengths and breadths as who doesn’t want to enjoy power. ‘Voting Portals’ promises just that for their member. From Blockchain Technology that doesn’t allow any interference with input and leave no chance for manipulation to having 3-layer security for voters with fingerprints, passwords, and verification to having the best technical and technological support that catches the route of hacker or manipulation with IP tracking and giving access to all members and voters, thus maintaining transparency. Now, voters need not have to worry that their vote must be tracked and they can take an unbiased personal call.  

The system that reaches all:  

Make the system friendly, comprehensible, and accessible to all. The shift from traditional to the electoral voting system was a stark one, and needless to say much needed one, but technology every day outpace things. Here, making the system available to all so that everybody enjoys their right is crucial. Unlike physical ballots that demand voter to come with papers to cast their vote, where many couldn’t make it because of their unavailability, Electoral Portals by ‘Voting Portals’ promises to beat this time and space issues by making voting right accessible to all, irrespective of the fact they are not physically present there. Whether you are present or not, you hold an equally important position in electing your figure than the latter. Making the system that is safe and secure and keeps the integrity of voters on the pedestal, allows every voter to pass through a 3-layer security system to avoid any duplication and discrepancy for casting their vote. You can now equally take part in selecting your figure with your family sitting miles apart from you as the system doesn’t allow you to move a bit, rather brings everything to your phone screens. Not just that, it keeps you informed about all happenings with frequent alerts and emails.  

Electoral Voting is the present face of the voting system. But safe electoral voting is the need of an hour. ‘Voting Portals’ made under the fine supervision of the best in the business themselves promise you an experience that is enriching, trustworthy, cost-effective and extremely reliable, and transparent.  


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